Transcendental Books Distribution & miracles!

"Srila Prabhupada once said, ‘I will see to it that those who will distribute my books will be taken out of this world.’

Sometimes he would say, “I will ask Bhaktivinod Thakur to come at the time of death for those who will distribute my books.” Even so…

I’ll tell a story told to me by Radha-kunda Mataji, a disciple of Prabhupada from Vrindavan. She is a legendary book distributor. How many years she has been in Krishna consciousness: 45 or 48? All these years she has been distributing books, until now. When she comes to Srila Prabhupada’s samadhi, she brings books in Hindi, Bengali and just distributes them - and she always has a blissful smile on her face…

She told me the following story.

"All my life, consciously or unconsciously, I have been trying to distribute Prabhupada’s books. I had cancer, through distributing books, it went away. I had a husband who used to beat me, but I distributed books and those hardships passed. He had many children who abandoned him, but I continued to distribute books and I have no regrets. I haven’t lost anything. But you know, living here in Vrindavan for the last few years, I started listening to something different. One day I went to Radha-kunda and met an amazing babaji. When he spoke, something happened in my heart and I felt that this is really a holy man. I paid my respects to him and he started giving me instructions and said:

•⁠ ⁠Do you want to receive the mercy of Srimati Radharani?

•⁠ ⁠Of course I do!

•⁠ ⁠Then come every day to Radha Kunda, I will give you a mantra, repeat this mantra. One day Srimati Radharani’s mercy will be showered on you.

And you know, I was so stupid and I said:


He gave me the mantra and I started repeating and I started coming to Radha Kunda every day, stopped distributing Prabhupada’s books, and you know what happened next?

And then Srila Prabhupada came to me in a dream, looked at me with a very strict look, took my hand and said:

•⁠ ⁠Let’s go!

And I was all squeezed. And we went with him, I see Vrindavan, he takes me out of Krishna-Balaram-mandir, leads me further. Here is Govardhan, and we are already on Radha-kunda, but Prabhupada does not stop - we enter the waters of Radha-kunda and go to the very depth of Radha-kunda, go to the very bottom, to the very heart of Radha-kunda. I see an amazing picture: Srila Prabhupada is standing there at a huge table, and on the table there are millions of his books, in different languages, and there are millions of groaning, suffering souls with their hands outstretched and shouting:

•⁠ ⁠Me, me!

Srila Prabhupada is standing and single-handedly distributing hundreds and thousands of his books. And everyone who receives stops moaning, takes spiritual form and leaves this world.

And I’m standing there looking at all this, and I’m getting chills, then I’m shaking. Srila Prabhupada looked at me with a stern look:

•⁠ ⁠What are you standing? How long are you going to stand? When are you going to start helping me to distribute books? Fool, how can you not realize that distributing my books is the very heart of Radha-kunda? This is what the heart of Srimati Radharani lives by! If you really want to receive Srimati Radharani’s mercy, distribute my books! Until your last breath!

I woke up all in tears and I didn’t go to Radha-kunda again, and I didn’t repeat the mantra again. I just decided that for the rest of my life, for the last breath, I will distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books."

(From Vidyanidhi prabhu’s lecture “Prabhupada’s pastimes”)

*!! Books that made her fearless !!*

Back to Godhead

I tried my best to help my own mother in spiritual life. Unfortunately, throughout most of her life she never showed the slightest interest in religion.

I once asked her if she believed in God, and she replied, “Something may be out there.”

Whenever I visited her we would often debate the existence of the soul, life after death, karma, and similar topics.

Throughout the years I continued cultivating that little “something” in her heart by sending her Srila Prabhupada’s books, which invariably ended up in a pile at the back of her garage collecting grease and dust.

(After few years Mahārāja talking to his brother)

“What happened?” I asked. “I talked to Mom only last night!”

“I know,” he said. “She had been battling cancer for six months. She didn’t want to tell you.”

Collecting myself, I said, “Cancer! Did she say anything at the end?”

“Yes, she did,” he replied. “She said, ‘Don’t lament for me! I’m not this body. I’m eternal spirit soul. I’ll never die. I’m going to Krsna!’ With those words on her lips, she passed away.”

I couldn’t believe it. My mother, the intellectual who never went to church, who never inquired about God debated His very existence was “going to Krsna!”

I asked my brother, “But how is it possible Mom said those things at death?”

He replied, "When Mom learned she had cancer and was going to die, a strange transformation came over her. She became restless and unsettled. She began asking about you, wanting to know where you were and what you were doing. She had an intense desire to meet with you, to speak with you. But when I suggested calling you she’d always say, ‘No, don’t bother him now. We’ll contact him later.’

"One morning I went out to the garage to empty the garbage, and I found her going through all those books you had sent her during the past twenty-five years.

She looked up at me and asked me to carry them into the house. That afternoon she carefully dusted them off.

For the last five months she just sat in her rocking chair reading those books. Sometimes she’d underline a certain passage or quote that had particular relevance or importance to her.

She also contacted your tape ministry in London and ordered all your lecture tapes. She’d listen to them on her headphones, rocking back and forth in her armchair, looking at your picture, which she kept on the table nearby. She must have listened to at least three a day.

“Gradually her condition deteriorated, BUT SHE WASN’T AFRAID. I think there was something in those BOOKS THAT MADE HER FEARLESS. Then last night she sensed she was going to die. She told me to call you. Her last request was that you take her to a place called Vrndavana.”

Excerpt from My Mother’s Transformation by Indradyumna Swami !!

Please read complete pastime at